Inter-Squad Games
Local Inter-squad games that give back to the community.
the vision
Learn from Experience
Season registration includes local intersquad games designed to teach 8U to 19U players to compete in a structured, safe, and fun environment in preparation for optional Field Day competitions.
ELEV8 coaching staff will be on the field providing position specific training that address the intricacies of each position and increases players’ overall lacrosse IQ.
Sign up for games that work with your summer schedule
Overview And Experience

The Calgary Field Lacrosse Club provides players with as many local training opportunities as possible to play and develop while offering competition and gameplay against and with players to ultimately grow and test their skills and lacrosse IQ while having fun!
High energy games will be competitive and fun! ELEV8 coaches will be on hand to referee, coach and manage the benches.
How it Works
Leaving Places Better Than we Found Them
As a grassroots and community club, we believe in leaving places better than we found them. Every intersquad game throughout the season is themed with a community initiative, to demonstrate and teach student-athletes that you are never too small to be effective, helpful, and impact the world in a significant way.
Hunger Games
Student nutrition programs exist across the country. Toonies for Tummies provides hungry children a nutritious breakfast without judgement. They are increasingly vital in Canadian communities and schools. Many of these programs are facing unprecedented pressures, including increases in daily participation, outpacing available funding, while many programs remain on funding waitlists. In the face of these challenges, your support helps them serve a balanced breakfast to hungry children in countless communities.
You can support this initiative during this inter-squad by donating toonies at our check-in tent on the inter-squad date!
Gladiator Games
Gladiator intersquads collect new and gently used sports sports equipment for the Flames Sports Bank, a KidSport Calgary Program. The organization gathers, recycles and redistributes new and used sport equipment at no cost to kids who would otherwise be denied the opportunity to participate.
You can support the Flames Sport Bank during this inter-squad by dropping off new and gently used sports equipment at our check-in tent on the inter-squad date.
Bottle Bowl
We’re excited to announce that Game 3, is a bottle drive in support of KidSport!
We’re collecting refundable beverage containers to raise funds that will be used to provide financial assistance to low-income families. With this assistance, they can enrol their children in organized sports programs.
We hope to get as many members of the community involved in this campaign as possible. By donating your refundable beverage containers to the KidSport Recycling Program, you can help make a difference in the lives of children who would otherwise miss out on these valuable experiences.
SuperHero intersquads collect back to school supplies for the CBE initiative, Backpacks for Kids, who delivers school supplies for children whose families might not otherwise be able to provide supplies that their children need for the beginning of school. Last Summer, the Calgary Field Lacrosse club and ELEV8 Lacrosse donated 55 backpacks to Backpacks for Kids, we have a goal of donating 75 backpacks this summer!
You can support the Backpacks for Kids campaign during this inter-squad by dropping off back to school supplies at our check-in tent on the inter-squad date!